stilig studio

what people are saying…

  • It was liberating to paint without the pressure of achieving a particular outcome, focusing instead on the journey of creation. Jennifer is kind and compassionate and she sees her role as the observer and does not interfere with the actual process but is there to cheer you on, to encourage you and to celebrate your creative journey. Most importantly, she taught me to let go of perfectionism, which is exactly what I needed because as I discovered it was what was holding me back.

    Laura S

  • I’ve been an admirer of Jennifer Oak’s work for some time. I discovered her Process Painting class a year ago. Although I was anxious to make art in front of others, she put me at ease while encouraging play and self discovery. I’d always thought to paint, one must expect perfection or why bother. She taught me that play and experimenting is essential for growth.

    Gretchen K

  • Having time away from my own environment (studio/home) to zone-in on the action of creating, the movement of creating, just for its own sake, was so refreshing. Process art feels like active meditation to me. So for me, process painting was a release and a centering.

    Gina H

  • As a long time professional artist it can be difficult to get myself out of illustrative ruts. With Jennifer’s help I have been able to explore abstract and expressive processes that help me discover creative new solutions to common challenges.

    Mike G

  • I have attended Jennifer's process painting class, workshop classes & ladies' night. Each of these sessions has something unique and special about them. She sets up such a peaceful environment to get in touch with my creativity. I feel welcome to be silly, quiet, loud, and authentic. Taking these classes reminded me that art isn't always for the eyes, it is also for the experience of creating!

    Ellie J

  • My thoughts and feelings about Process Painting: I love it and believe it produces endorphins and dopamine like exercise does + I enjoy it because I’m not expected to paint “something”, just open up and paint + Calming, chill vibe that encourages/enables flow of emotions into painting + Allows me to express whatever it is I need to express, but wasn't consciously aware of

    Judy B

  • As an artist sometimes I find myself “tightening up” - losing that creative edge. Taking a process painting class from Jennifer helps me re-open the creative flow. I always leave happy and in a rush to get to a canvas!

    Laurie O

  • Participating in Jennifer’s Process Painting class, allowed me to open myself to new experiences. Not just in art but a new outlet for the emotions that I’ve been traveling with for so many years. The entire vibe allowed me to embrace the opportunity to try something new, without preconceived notions, and allowing it to be what it was meant to be. It opened my heart, my soul and invited a new way for me to express myself.

    Tatiana W

  • When I found stilig studio and Jennifer, I was a blank canvas. She opened up a part of me that I was craving to explore, and didn't know I needed. Ladies' Night has made a profound impact in my life. I encourage anyone & everyone to try it.

    Joanie W

  • I have started recommending Process Art to all of my friends. Jennifer at Stilig Studio is the perfect mentor for learning how to approach this practice of focusing on the process rather than the finished product. Talent or artistic skill are not necessary to get the benefits of this practice, which helps bring acceptance and equanimity to all aspects of my life. 

    Mike G




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